Physiology, past experience, personal stories and intention all contribute to perception and interpretation. My incurable curiosity, background in atmospheric science and drive to understand the human experience of processing visual information, interacting with our environment and engaging with one another fuels my exploration in oil paint. 

By capturing and recreating images bathed in various unique natural light, or the lack there of,  I pursue the conversation of perception, challenge accepted color and design theory and attempt to provide a visual field that presents the illusion of space.  I feel the intoxicating complexity of neutrals in the world around us is often overlooked even though that is precisely what creates our reality. While I firmly believe art is an important vehicle through which socio-political  commentary or personal storytelling can be voiced, I strive to create pieces that invite the viewer to pause, breathe the air depicted and wash oneself in the sensory bath of natural memory. I paint air, the atmosphere, with a touch of landscape to keep the viewer grounded. My hope is that as you explore with me and engage with fellow viewers you expand your understanding of this unique individual perception within a shared experience.

explore engage expand

The brain is actually what “sees”, not the eye